Metro-North Railroad Contract 9622-A – Awarded to Vortok,In all there will be three systems, pre-assembled into large equipment ‘houses’ and delivered to sites in New York State (Ossining), Connecticut (Greens Farms) and Long Island NY (Belmont Park).
The work shall include the design and furnishing of a new pre-wired house which contains a four track hotbox detector (HBD), four track wheel impact load detector (WILD) and four track automatic equipment identification (AEI)tag reader system, all systems will report back to the Operation Control Center (OCC).
These systems will need to continuously monitor and measure the wheel/rail loads produced as a result of irregularities from the rolling stock wheels and monitor passing trains for overheated bearings.
Vortok will be prime contractor and the project is due to run for 507 days with the following specific milestones. A key element of the technical proposal was use of the unique Vortok MultiSensors compared to traditional strain gauges.